v0.6.0 (2021-11-15)

Clusternet Release v0.6.0

🥳🥳🥳 The sixth release of Clusternet comes!

This version mainly focuses on supporting Kubernetes version skew and improving the stability of deploying applications to child clusters.

Changes Since v0.5.0

Full Changelog: https://github.com/clusternet/clusternet/compare/v0.5.0...v0.6.0

What’s Changed

New Features & Enhancements

  • Codecov was integrated into Clusternet CI. (#157, #171)
  • Serviceaccount tokens can be used for cluster registration as well. (#158)
  • Labels can be customized on cluster registration. (#179)
  • With #183, visiting child clusters would be not affected anymore, when the kube-apiserver running in parent cluster sets flag --anonymous-auth to false explicitly.
  • Kubernetes compatibility (#173, #182) had been well improved. The versions of Kubernetes clusters could range from v1.18.x to v1.22.x.
  • Examples on curl with tls certificates was added. (#169)
  • When a resource, like HelmChart, was not referred as a feed by Subscription/Base any more, redundant uid labels should be pruned. (#92)

Bug Fixes

  • clusternet-hub used in-cluster url instead of deprecated ParentAPIServerURL when accessing child clusters. (#164)
  • Group metrics.k8s.io should be ignored to avoid same resource names with corev1. (#166)
  • Module clusternet/apis import path restriction was removed. (#162)
  • Resource deletions would be not blocked when clusters got lost. (#177)
  • Description would be reconciled when applying failed. (#181)
  • Dry-run results would be trimmed before storing (#170, #178)

New Contributors

  • @silenceper made their first contribution in #179