v0.11.0 (2022-07-14)

Clusternet Release v0.11.0

This release brings in multiple fantastic features and improves the performance. This is a big update of Clusternet. Running clusternet-hub with high availability is possible now. And the performance of clusternet-scheduler is improved as well. Dynamic replica scheduling is fully supported. Applications with multiple replicas can be divided and scheduled to multiple clusters based on cluster dynamic capacity. Please check out this tutorial. Moreover, the aggregated statuses of all deployed resources can be shown by visiting the status of Subscription.

Changes Since v0.10.0

Full Changelog: v0.10.0…v0.11.0

What’s Changed

New Features & Enhancements

  • Made clusternet-hub high availability (by @dixudx in #378 , #405, #411 and by @xrmzju in #387)
  • Aggregated resource/feed statuses from child clusters (@aven-ai in #358 , #359 , #360). The aggregated status of all deployed resources can be shown by visiting the status of Subscription. For every feed/resource, you can check the detailed status ( field feedStatusDetails) per cluster and the summarized status ( field feedStatusSummary) of all clusters in status.aggregatedStatuses.
  • Added new scheduling strategy Dynamic for clusternet-scheduler. Applications with multiple replicas now can be divided and scheduled to multiple clusters based on cluster dynamic capacity. (by @Garrybest in #366 , #395 , #400 , #419). Default predictors run on every clusternet-agent, external predictors had been supported as well (by @yinsenyan in #367 and @dixudx in #418) . Learn more from this tutorial .
  • Improved the performance of clusternet-scheduler (by @Garrybest in #383 , #399 , #388)
  • Added support to override HelmChart spec (by @DanielXLee in #385 and @dixudx in #416 , #417)
  • Aggregated common labels starting with node.clusternet.io/ from nodes in child clusters (@lmxia in #396 , #413). If all nodes of a child cluster have such common labels, then these labels will be aggregated and updated to its corresponding ManagedCluster object.
  • Real-time cpu/mem usage and pod statistics can be collected from metrics server by enabling flag --use-metrics-server=true on clusternet-agent side (by @GeorgeGuo2018 in #362 , #365 and @DanielXLee in #421)
  • Added intermediate status for the helm chart (by @DanielXLee in #382)
  • Used sepearte clientsets for election (by @xrmzju in #389)
  • Added env for cluster-cidr and service-cidr (by @snstaberah in #391), which would be useful when the kubernetes components were not running as static pods.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed statefulset feedinventory (by @dixudx in #398)
  • Removed go routine for storing parent cluster secret (by @DanielXLee in #381)
  • Fixed WATCH events on transforming and encoding (by @dixudx in #407)
  • Removed Manifest finalizer in shadow api (by @caryxychen in #408)
  • Fixed localizations when scaling (by @Garrybest in #406)
  • Pruned localizations when scheduling strategy was changed (by @dixudx in #401)
  • Fixed clusterIP for non headless services (by @dixudx in #404)

User Experiences

  • Added human readable printer, which let kubectl clusternet plugin having consistent user experience with kubectl ( by @lmxia in #384)
  • Added linter gci (by @dixudx in #397)
  • All the docs were migratee to https://clusternet.io (by @dixudx in #409)


  • Fixed containerd CVE-2022-31030: A bug was found in containerd’s CRI implementation where programs inside a container can cause the containerd daemon to consume memory without bound during invocation of the ExecSync API. This can cause containerd to consume all available memory on the computer, denying service to other legitimate workloads. Kubernetes and crictl can both be configured to use containerd’s CRI implementation; ExecSync may be used when running probes or when executing processes via an “exec” facility. (by @dixudx in #364)

New Contributors

  • @aven-ai made their first contribution in #358
  • @GeorgeGuo2018 made their first contribution in #362
  • @xrmzju made their first contribution in #387
  • @snstaberah made their first contribution in #391
  • @caryxychen made their first contribution in #408

Thanks to all contributors!