v0.8.0 (2022-03-04)

Clusternet Release v0.8.0

This version mainly introduced OCI-based Helm charts. Clusternet is the first project that supports this feature in multiple cluster management. Also unexpected operations (like deleting, updating) that occurred solely inside a child cluster will be rolled back automatically unless those were made explicitly from parent cluster, which kept applications running more stable in child clusters. Kubernetes v1.23 was fully supported as well.

Changes Since v0.7.0

Full Changelog: https://github.com/clusternet/clusternet/compare/v0.7.0...v0.8.0

What’s Changed

New Features & Enhancements

  • Fully support OCI-based Helm charts (by @dixudx in #247,#255, #224 and @rootdeep in #257). Clusternet is the first project that support this feature in multi-cluster management.
  • Golang version was bumped to 1.17 (by @dixudx in #247,#241)
  • Default timeout 5m0s was applied to helm deployer, which stayed the same with Helm command line (by @dixudx in #225)
  • Alternative label app.kubernetes.io/component was added when finding kube-apiserver pod (by @fangyuchen86 in #227)
  • Collecting and reporting Nvidia GPU statics in child clusters (by @lmxia in #235)
  • Unexpected operations (like deleting, updating) that occurred solely inside a child cluster will be rolled back automatically unless those were made explicitly from parent cluster (by @lmxia in #242). A new feature gate named Recovery was added as well (by @dixudx in #226).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing scheduler issue when cluster affinity rules matched no clusters (by @DanielXLee in #239)
  • Fixing nonresource 403 errors (by @dixudx in #248)

Security Enhancements

  • Upgrading dependency github.com/containerd/containerd to 1.5.10 to mitigate CVE-2022-23648 (by @dixudx in #258)


  • Clusternet got a logo 🎉. Thank our designer Zuowei Li.
  • Kubernetes v1.23 was supported as well.

New Contributors

Thanks all contributors in this release.

Last modified July 14, 2022: add release note v0.11.0 (#27) (8ca84df)