Scheduling Requirement Insights

Obtain the scheduling requirements with FeedInventory

In Clusternet, we use a CRD called Subscription to represent an application, where multiple resources (aka Feed in Clusternet) are declared, such as well-known Kubernetes native objects Deployment, StatefulSet, Helm Charts, CRDs, etc. You can follow tutorials on deploying applications to multiple clusters with various scheduling strategies to learn more.

When scheduling these applications to child clusters with SchedulingStrategy set to DynamicDividing, we need to precisely know the scheduling requirements (such as replicas, node selectors, tolerations, affinity rules, resource requirements, etc.) of each Feed.

For some well-known Kubernetes native workload objects like Deployment, ReplicaSet, and StatefulSet, we can easily obtain the exact scheduling requirements from their standard APIs, such as .spec.replicas, .spec.nodeSelector, etc. But what for CRDs? We’ve no idea where we can get those values even if we can retrieve the schemas.

Clusternet adopts a consistent and extensible way to better handle the scheduling requirements for both Kubernetes native objects and user-defined CRDs.

FeedInventory Mechanism

FeedInventory was firstly introduced in v0.9.0. It is used to track and record the scheduling requirements (such as replicas, node selectors, tolerations, affinity rules, resource requirements, etc.) for each feed in the Subscription object with the same namespace and name. This FeedInventory object is only applicable when SchedulingStrategy is set to DynamicDividing. For other scheduling strategies, FeedInventory makes no sense.

FeedInventory controllers follow the well-known Kubernetes operator patterns. It is not designed as a webhook, which may bring in extra overhead such as performance, webhook configurations, security issues, developing difficulties, etc.

Below is the struct of FeedInventory object.

// FeedInventory defines a group of feeds which correspond to a subscription.
type FeedInventory struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec FeedInventorySpec `json:"spec"`

// FeedInventorySpec defines the desired state of FeedInventory
type FeedInventorySpec struct {
	Feeds []FeedOrder `json:"feeds"`

// FeedOrder defines the scheduling requirements of a Feed.
type FeedOrder struct {
	Feed `json:",inline"`

	// DesiredReplicas specifies the number of desired replica. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit
	// zero and not specified.
	// +optional
	DesiredReplicas *int32 `json:"desiredReplicas,omitempty"`

	// ReplicaRequirements describes the scheduling requirements for a new replica.
	// +optional
	ReplicaRequirements ReplicaRequirements `json:"replicaRequirements,omitempty"`

	// ReplicaJsonPath specifies the JSONPath for replica settings,
	// such as `/spec/replicas` for Deployment/StatefulSet/ReplicaSet.
	// Should not be empty when DesiredReplicas is non-nil.
	// +optional
	ReplicaJsonPath string `json:"replicaJsonPath,omitempty"`

// ReplicaRequirements describes the scheduling requirements for a new replica.
type ReplicaRequirements struct {
	// NodeSelector specifies hard node constraints that must be met for a new replica to fit on a node.
	// Selector which must match a node's labels for a new replica to be scheduled on that node.
	// +optional
	// +mapType=atomic
	NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`

	// Tolerations specifies the tolerations of a new replica.
	// +optional
	Tolerations []corev1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`

	// Affinity specifies the scheduling constraints of a new replica.
	// +optional
	Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`

	// Resources describes the compute resource requirements.
	// +optional
	Resources corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`

For every Subscription object whose SchedulingStrategy is set to DynamicDividing, there will be a controller to help analysis its feeds and record the scheduling requirements to the FeedInventory object with the same name in the same namespace.

By default, Clusternet has been equipped with a built-in FeedInventory controller to deal with Kubernetes native workload objects Deployment, ReplicaSet, and StatefulSet. This built-in FeedInventory controller is enabled by setting feature gate FeedInventory to true when starting clusternet-controller-manager.

Also, an external FeedInventory controller can be used to interpret custom resources or override the built-in handlers for Kubernetes native workload objects. When using external FeedInventory controllers, feature gate FeedInventory should be set to false on clusternet-controller-manager side.

Implement an external FeedInventory controller

The Clusternet team has shipped a sample external FeedInventory controller, which can be used to add your own business logic to interpret custom resources. It is implemented in Go language.

In the FeedInventory controller, we may register and plumb multiple handlers. For each handler, we only need to implement below interfaces.

// PluginFactory is an interface that must be implemented for each plugin.
type PluginFactory interface {
	// Parser parses the raw data to get the replicas, resource requirements, replica jsonpath, etc.
	Parser(rawData []byte) (*int32, appsapi.ReplicaRequirements, string, error)
	// Name returns name of the plugin. It is used in logs, etc.
	Name() string
	// Kind returns the resource kind.
	Kind() string

Last modified June 2, 2023: add doc on feed inventory (#86) (db1bc3b)