Installing Clusternet Manually

How to install Clusternet manually.

This tutorial walks you through setting up Clusternet the hard way. You can also try to install Clusternet with Helm.

Clusternet The Hard Way is optimized for learning, which means taking the long route to ensure you understand each task required to install Clusternet.

You need to deploy clusternet-agent in child clusters, clusternet-hub and clusternet-scheduler in parent cluster.

Deploying clusternet-hub in parent cluster

kubectl apply -f deploy/hub

Next, you need to create a token for cluster registration, which will be used later by clusternet-agent. Either a bootstrap token or a service account token is okay.

  • If bootstrapping authentication is supported, i.e. --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true is explicitly set in the kube-apiserver running in parent cluster,

    # this will create a bootstrap token 07401b.f395accd246ae52d
    kubectl apply -f manifests/samples/cluster_bootstrap_token.yaml
  • If bootstrapping authentication is not supported by the kube-apiserver in parent cluster (like k3s) , i.e. --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=false (which defaults to be false), please use serviceaccount token instead.

    # this will create a serviceaccount token
    kubectl apply -f manifests/samples/cluster_serviceaccount_token.yaml
    kubectl get secret -n clusternet-system -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name=="cluster-bootstrap-use")].data.token}' | base64 --decode; echo

Deploying clusternet-scheduler in parent cluster

kubectl apply -f deploy/scheduler

Deploying clusternet-controller-manager in parent cluster (since v0.15.0)

kubectl apply -f deploy/controller-manager

Deploying clusternet-agent in child cluster

clusternet-agent runs in child cluster and helps register self-cluster to parent cluster.

clusternet-agent could be configured with below three kinds of SyncMode (configured by flag --cluster-sync-mode),

  • Push means that all the resource changes in the parent cluster will be synchronized, pushed and applied to child clusters by clusternet-hub automatically.
  • Pull means clusternet-agent will watch, synchronize and apply all the resource changes from the parent cluster to child cluster.
  • Dual combines both Push and Pull mode. This mode is strongly recommended, which is usually used together with feature gate AppPusher.

Feature gate AppPusher works on agent side, which is introduced mainly for below two reasons,

  • SyncMode is not suggested getting changed after registration, which may bring in inconsistent settings and behaviors. That’s why Dual mode is strong recommended. When Dual mode is set, feature gate AppPusher provides a way to help switch Push mode to Pull mode without really changing flag --cluster-sync-mode, and vice versa.

  • For security concerns, such as child cluster security risks, etc.

    When a child cluster has disabled feature gate AppPusher, the parent cluster won’t deploy any applications to it, even if SyncMode Push or Dual is set. At this time, this child cluster is working like Pull mode.

    Resources to be deployed are represented as Description, you can run your own controllers as well to watch changes of Description objects, then distribute and deploy resources.

Upon deploying clusternet-agent, a secret that contains token for cluster registration should be created firstly.

# create namespace clusternet-system if not created
kubectl create ns clusternet-system
# here we use the token created above
PARENTURL= REGTOKEN=07401b.f395accd246ae52d envsubst < ./deploy/templates/clusternet_agent_secret.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

The PARENTURL above is the apiserver address of the parent cluster that you want to register to, the https scheme must be specified and it is the only one supported at the moment. If the apiserver is not listening on the standard https port (:443), please specify the port number in the URL to ensure the agent connects to the right endpoint, for instance,

# before deploying, you could update the SyncMode if needed
kubectl apply -f deploy/agent

Checking Cluster Registration

Please follow this guide to check cluster registrations.