Feature Gates

An overview of the various feature gates an administrator can specify on different Clusternet components.

This page contains an overview of the various feature gates an administrator can specify on different Clusternet components.

See feature stages for an explanation of the stages for a feature.


Feature gates are a set of key=value pairs that describe Clusternet features. You can turn these features on or off using the --feature-gates command line flag on each Clusternet component.

Each Clusternet component lets you enable or disable a set of feature gates that are relevant to that component. Use -h flag to see a full set of feature gates for all components. To set feature gates for a component, such as clusternet-hub, use the --feature-gates flag assigned to a list of feature pairs:


Since Clusternet is built on top of some Kubernetes modules, some feature gates are inherited from them as well. The following tables are a summary of the feature gates that you can set on different Clusternet components:

  • The “Since” column contains the Clusternet release when a feature is introduced or its release stage is changed.
  • The “Until” column, if not empty, contains the last Clusternet release in which you can still use a feature gate.
FeatureDefaultStageSinceUntilInherited from Kubernetes

Using a feature

Feature stages

A feature can be in Alpha, Beta or GA stage. An Alpha feature means:

  • Disabled by default.
  • Might be buggy. Enabling the feature may expose bugs.
  • Support for feature may be dropped at any time without notice.
  • The API may change in incompatible ways in a later software release without notice.
  • Recommended for use only in short-lived testing clusters, due to increased risk of bugs and lack of long-term support.

A Beta feature means:

  • Enabled by default.
  • The feature is well tested. Enabling the feature is considered safe.
  • Support for the overall feature will not be dropped, though details may change.
  • The schema and/or semantics of objects may change in incompatible ways in a subsequent beta or stable release. When this happens, we will provide instructions for migrating to the next version. This may require deleting, editing, and re-creating API objects. The editing process may require some thought. This may require downtime for applications that rely on the feature.
  • Recommended for only non-business-critical uses because of potential for incompatible changes in subsequent releases. If you have multiple clusters that can be upgraded independently, you may be able to relax this restriction.

A General Availability (GA) feature is also referred to as a stable feature. It means:

  • The feature is always enabled; you cannot disable it.
  • The corresponding feature gate is no longer needed.
  • Stable versions of features will appear in released software for many subsequent versions.

List of feature gates

Each feature gate is designed for enabling/disabling a specific feature:

  • APIListChunking: Enable the API clients to retrieve (LIST or GET) resources from API server in chunks.

  • APIPriorityAndFairness: Enable managing request concurrency with prioritization and fairness at each server. (Renamed from RequestManagement)

  • APIResponseCompression: Compress the API responses for LIST or GET requests.

  • APIServerIdentity: Assign each API server an ID in a cluster, using a Lease.

  • APIServerTracing: Add support for distributed tracing in the API server. See Traces for Kubernetes System Components for more details.

  • AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint: Enable a single HTTP endpoint /discovery/ which supports native HTTP caching with ETags containing all APIResources known to the API server.

  • AppPusher: Allows deploying applications directly from parent cluster. In case of security concerns for a child cluster, this feature gate could be disabled on agent side. When disabled, clusternet-agent (works in Dual or Pull mode) is responsible to deploy resources to current self cluster. Setting on clusternet-agent side.

  • ComponentSLIs: Enable the /metrics/slis endpoint on Clusternet components like clusternet-hub, clusternet-scheduler, clusternet-controller-manager allowing you to scrape health check metrics.

  • ContextualLogging: When you enable this feature gate, Clusternet components that support contextual logging add extra detail to log output.

  • CustomResourceValidationExpressions: Enable expression language validation in CRD which will validate customer resource based on validation rules written in the x-kubernetes-validations extension.

  • Deployer: Indicates whether clusternet-controller-manager works for application managements. The scheduling parts are handled by clusternet-scheduler. Setting on clusternet-controller-manager side since v0.15.0. (Setting on clusternet-hub side prior to v0.15.0.)

  • FailOver: Migrates workloads from not-ready clusters to healthy spare clusters. Setting on clusternet-scheduler side.

  • FeasibleClustersToleration: Indicates whether to tolerate failures on feasible clusters for dynamic scheduling with predictors. This helps improve scheduler’s performance on dynamic scheduling with predictors. Setting on clusternet-scheduler side.

  • FeedInUseProtection: Postpones deletion of an object that is being referred as a feed in Subscriptions. Setting on clusternet-controller-manager side since v0.15.0. (Setting on clusternet-hub side prior to v0.15.0.)

  • FeedInventory: Runs default in-tree registry to parse the schema of a resource, such as Deployment, Statefulset, etc. This feature gate should be closed when external FeedInventory controller is used. Setting on clusternet-controller-manager side since v0.15.0. (Setting on clusternet-hub side prior to v0.15.0.)

  • KMSv2: Enables KMS v2 API for encryption at rest. See Using a KMS Provider for data encryption for more details.

  • LoggingAlphaOptions: Allow fine-tuing of experimental, alpha-quality logging options.

  • LoggingBetaOptions: Allow fine-tuing of experimental, beta-quality logging options.

  • MultiClusterService: Indicates whether we allow service export and service import related controllers to run. In some cases like integrating with submariner, this feature should be disabled. Setting on clusternet-controller-manager and clusternet-agent side.

  • OpenAPIEnums: Enables populating “enum” fields of OpenAPI schemas in the spec returned from the API server.

  • OpenAPIV3: Enables the API server to publish OpenAPI v3.

  • Predictor: Predicts child cluster resource before scheduling. This feature gate needs a running predictor, either build-in or external. Setting on clusternet-agent side.

  • Recovery: Ensures the resources deployed by Clusternet exist persistently in a child cluster. This helps rollback unexpected operations (like deleting, updating) that occurred solely inside a child cluster, unless those are made explicitly from parent cluster. Setting on clusternet-agent side.

  • RemainingItemCount: Allow the API servers to show a count of remaining items in the response to a chunking list request.

  • ServerSideFieldValidation: Enables server-side field validation. This means the validation of resource schema is performed at the API server side rather than the client side (for example, the kubectl create or kubectl apply command line).

  • ShadowAPI: Provides an apiserver to shadow all the Kubernetes objects, including CRDs. Setting on clusternet-hub side.

  • SocketConnection: Setups and serves a WebSocket connection. Setting on clusternet-hub and clusternet-agent side. Also works on clusternet-controller-manager side to indicate whether to add rule “sockets/proxy” to every dedicated ClusterRole object for child clusters. Setting on clusternet-hub and clusternet-agent side. Also works on clusternet-controller-manager side to indicate whether to add rule “sockets/proxy” to every dedicated ClusterRole object for child clusters.

  • StorageVersionAPI: Enable the storage version API.

  • StorageVersionHash: Allow API servers to expose the storage version hash in the discovery.

  • ValidatingAdmissionPolicy: Enable ValidatingAdmissionPolicy support for CEL validations be used in Admission Control.